Press Releases : The European Parliament adopted the Resolution on Thailand

Press Releases : The European Parliament adopted the Resolution on Thailand

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 12 Feb 2016

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Press Releases : The European Parliament adopted the Resolution on Thailand

         8 October 2015

          On 8 October 2015, the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution on Thailand during the plenary session, at which the debate encompassed the situation in several countries including Thailand. The Resolution reiterates the principles and values of the European Union. The Resolution expresses its position and concerns as one of Thailand’s friendly partners regarding several issues such as the implementation of the Roadmap towards democracy, elections, drafting of the constitution and human rights, all of which Thailand has taken note of and currently addressing.

         Thailand is disappointed by the Resolution, as it reflects an inaccurate understanding of the situation and developments in the country. Thailand is determined to promote and protect human rights, and strictly complies with its international human rights obligations, as well as committed to the implementation of the Roadmap towards general elections.

         However, the Resolution recognizes Thailand as a friend and important partner of the EU. In view of the longstanding political, economic and cultural ties, the Resolution encourages the European Union to engage in a constructive dialogue. Moreover, the Resolution welcomes and expresses support to Thailand in several issues, such as the passage of the Gender Equality Act. The Resolution recognizes Thailand’s commitment to eliminate human trafficking and tackle challenges in the fishery sector throughout the supply chain, and takes note of the appointment of a new Constitution Drafting Committee and the implementation of the clear plan for free and fair elections. The Resolution clearly welcomes Thailand’s new role as Country Coordinator for ASEAN - EU relations for 2015 - 2018.

         Thailand stands ready to consider recommendations that are constructive, balanced and based on accurate information. We are ready to cooperate with the EU in all aspects and at all levels, and to expedite all efforts as Country Coordinator for ASEAN – EU relations to promote closer ties between the two regions.